Our 20mm Platoon 20’s World War II Pacific War range of miniatures covers from 7th December 1941 to 2nd September 1945.
To view the entire 20mm World War II catalogue or the Platoon 20 catalogue.
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Brief History of the Pacific War
The Pacific War saw the Allies pitted against Japan, the latter aided by Thailand and to a lesser extent by the Axis allies, Germany and Italy. Fighting consisted of some of the largest naval battles in history, and incredibly fierce battles and war crimes across Asia and the Pacific Islands, resulting in immense loss of human life. The war culminated in massive Allied air raids over Japan, and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, accompanied by the Soviet Union’s declaration of war and invasion of Manchuria and other territories on 9th August 1945, causing the Japanese to announce an intent to surrender on 15th August 1945.
World War II Pacific War Range
The entire American catalogue
Airborne catalogue
These miniatures come various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- American Airborne Officer with M1 carbine in Macnaw coat & jeep cap
- American Airborne NCO with Tommy gun in Macnaw coat & Steel Helmet
- American Airborne kneeling using walkie-talkie, M1 carbine, ‘43 combat dress & field cap
- American Airborne crouching throwing grenade, with M1
- American Airborne advancing with Garand M1 rifle
- American Airborne prone firing M1 rifle in ‘43 combat dress & Steel Helmet
- American Airborne kneeling firing M1 rifle
- American Airborne crouching throwing grenade, with M1
- American Airborne standing firing Garand M1 rifle
- American Airborne advancing with Garand M1 rifle
- American Airborne advancing with BAR/auto rifle in ‘43 combat dress & Steel Helmet
- American Airborne prone firing BAR/auto rifle in ‘43 combat dress & Steel Helmet
- American Airborne prone firing M1 rifle in ‘43 combat dress & Steel Helmet
- American Airborne advancing with M1 carbine in winter overall & field cap
- American Airborne with M3 SMG grease gun in zipper jacket & Steel Helmet
- American Airborne crouching firing Tommy gun in zipper jacket & jeep cap
- American Airborne NCO with Tommy gun in Macnaw coat & Steel Helmet
- American Airborne advancing with M3 SMG grease gun, ‘43 combat dress & Steel Helmet
- American Airborne kneeling firing M9A1 bazooka in ‘43 combat dress & Steel Helmet
- American Airborne no. 2 with bazooka reload in ‘43 combat dress & Steel Helmet
- American Special Service man with Tommy gun in parka & hood
- American Airborne Special Service man with Johnston LMG jonny gun, parka Steel Helmet
- American Airborne gunner kneeling, ‘43 combat dress & Steel Helmet
- American Airborne gunner No. 1
- American Airborne gunner No. 2 with ammo box
- Browning .30 cal MG & Tripod M1919A4
- Browning .50 cal MG & Tripod
- American Airborne mortar crewman standing with bomb
- American Airborne mortar crewman kneeling
- American Airborne mortar crewman kneeling with bomb
- M2 60mm Mortar
- M1 81mm Mortar
Marines catalogue
These miniatures come various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- American Marine Officer in gaiters & tin hat with .45 Browning
- American Marine NCO in tin hat with Tommy gun, drum magazine
- American Marine standing firing BAR
- American Marine running in gaiters & tin hat, pack & rifle
- American Marine advancing in gaiters & tin hat with fixed bayonet
- American USN officer in gaiters, peaked cap, Tommy gun, straight magazine
- American Sailor throwing grenade, rifle
- American Sailor kneeling with rifle, bareheaded
- American Pilot in flying suit with Tommy gun, tin hat
- American Marine crewman for firing MG, tin hat
- American Marine No. 2 crewman, tin hat
- American Marine NCO in tin hat with Tommy gun, drum magazine
- Browning .30cal water-cooled HMG
- American Marine Officer/NCO running with Thompson SMG, box magazine
- American Marine Officer/NCO with Thompson SMG, walkie-talkie
- American Marine Officer/NCO standing firing Thompson SMG
- American Marine Officer/NCO crouching firing M3A1 grease gun
- American Marine standing, M1 carbine
- American Marine Officer with M1 carbine, shoulder-holstered pistol
- American Marine Officer/NCO with M1 carbine, walkie-talkie
- American Marine NCO/mortar/artilleryman standing, Navy Mk2 `talker helmet
- American Marine advancing, low porte
- American Marine kneeling, firing
- American Marine standing, firing
- American Marine cautious advance with Garand
- American Marine advancing with Garand
- American Marine walking, shouldered Garand
- American Marine priming grenade, Garand
- American Marine standing firing Garand
- American Marine standing firing Garand
- American Marine kneeling firing Garand
- American Marine throwing grenade, Garand
- American Marine standing firing Browning automatic rifle (BAR)
- American Marine BAR #2 walking with M1 carbine
- American Marine prone firing BAR
- American Marine BAR #2 prone
- American Marine sitting, No. 1 crewman
- American Marine prone, No. 2 crewman , rifle slung
- American Marine Officer/NCO with M1 carbine, walkie-talkie
- Browning .50 cal HMG & Tripod
- Browning M1919A4 .30cal air-cooled MMG
American Guns catalogue
The entire Japanese catalogue
Garrison Troops
These miniatures come various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- Japanese Officer advancing with type 14 pistol
- Japanese Sailor at attention
- Japanese Petty officer firing SMG
- Japanese Sailor advancing with LMG
- Japanese Sailor advancing, rifle fixed bayonet
- Japanese Sailor kneeling with rifle
- Japanese Sailor firing rifle
- Japanese Sailor “en garde” rifle fixed bayonet
Japanese Infantry catalogue
These miniatures come various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- Japanese Officer standing, drawn sword, field cap
- Japanese Officer charging, drawn sword, field cap
- Japanese Officer charging, drawn sword, steel helmet
- Japanese Ensign standing, slung rifle, steel helmet
- Japanese NCO cautious advance, rifle, steel helmet
- Japanese NCO kneeling with field glasses, slung rifle, steel helmet
- Japanese soldier prone, firing type 96 LMG
- Japanese soldier prone, no. 2 for LMG, rifle separate
- Japanese soldier advancing, firing type 96 LMG
- Japanese soldier no. 2 for LMG, cautious advance, rifle at high porte
- Japanese soldier pose 1 standing firing rifle
- Japanese soldier pose 2 standing firing rifle
- Japanese soldier pose 3 standing firing rifle
- Japanese soldier kneeling firing rifle
- Japanese soldier advancing, low porte rifle
- Japanese soldier advancing, at ready, rifle
- Japanese soldier advancing, high porte rifle
- Japanese soldier cautious advance, low porte rifle
- Japanese soldier charging, low porte rifle
- Japanese soldier charging, high porte rifle
- Japanese soldier advancing to contact, rifle
- Japanese soldier advancing, priming grenade, rifle
- Japanese soldier prone, firing type 89 knee mortar, rifle, steel helmet
- Japanese soldier kneeling firing type 89 mortar, field cap
- Japanese soldier prone firing rifle, steel helmet
- Japanese soldier advancing, slung type 89 mortar, rifle, steel helmet
- Japanese soldier kneeling, firing grenade launcher
- Japanese soldier kneeling, at ready, rifle
- Japanese soldier standing, rifle
- Japanese crewman No. 1 lying firing type 97 20mm A/T rifle
- Japanese crewman No. 2 lying reloading A/T rifle
- Japanese crewman No. 1 for Nambu HMG, steel helmet
- Japanese crewman No. 2 for Nambu HMG, field cap
- Japanese NCO kneeling with field glasses, slung rifle, steel helmet
- Japanese type 92, Nambu HMG
- Japanese Sniper firing, wearing sniper camouflage jacket
- Japanese soldier attacking with A/T hollow pole charge, steel helmet
- Japanese Officer standing with binoculars
- Japanese crewman standing with shell
Marines catalogue
These miniatures come various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- Japanese Marine Officer charging, drawn sword
- Japanese Marine NCO advancing, firing type 100 SMG
- Japanese Marine NCO cautious advance, rifle
- Japanese Marine NCO kneeling, field glasses, rifle
- Japanese Marine prone, firing type 96 LMG
- Japanese Marine prone, no. 2 for LMG, separate rifle
- Japanese Marine advancing firing type 96 LMG
- Japanese Marine no. 2 for LMG, with rifle, cautious advance
- Japanese Marine standing pose 1 firing rifle
- Japanese Marine standing pose 2 firing rifle
- Japanese Marine kneeling firing rifle
- Japanese Marine prone firing rifle
- Japanese Marine advancing with rifle at low porte
- Japanese Marine advancing with rifle at low porte
- Japanese Marine advancing pose 1 with rifle at high porte
- Japanese Marine advancing pose 2 with rifle at high porte
- Japanese Marine charging with rifle at low porte
- Japanese Marine charging with rifle at high porte
- Japanese Marine advancing to contact
- Japanese Marine prone, firing type 89 knee mortar, separate rifle
- Japanese Marine kneeling with rifle
- Japanese Marine kneeling, firing type 2 grenade launcher
- Japanese Marine advancing, slung type 89 mortar, rifle
Japanese Guns
For the entire 20mm miniatures catalogue or individual categories. 20mm World War I, 20mm Soviet-Japanese Border War, 20mm World War II, 20mm Soviet-Japanese War, 20mm First Indochina War, 20mm Vietnam War, 20mm Bush Wars, 20mm Falklands War, 20mm Arab-Israeli Wars, 20mm Soviet-Afghan War, 20mm Bosnian War, 20mm Gulf War, 20mm War in Afghanistan, 20mm Modern, 20mm Post-Apocalyptic, 20mm Sci-Fi.
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