We are delighted to announce that Platoon 20’s World War II German ranges are now back in production. We have also added pictures to the product pages.
To view the entire 20mm World War II catalogue or the Platoon 20 catalogue.
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Platoon 20’s World War II Germans
The entire German catalogue
Fallschirmjäger catalogue
These miniatures come various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- German Para Sturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny
- German Para Officer in camo helmet pointing
- German Para Officer firing 27mm Kampfpistole
- German Para NCO kneeling with MP40, side cap
- German Para standing firing K98k rifle, side cap
- German Para advancing with K98k rifle, steel helmet
- German Para advancing at ready with K98k rifle, steel helmet
- German Para advancing with K98k rifle, steel helmet
- German Para running with MP40, side cap
- German Para standing firing MP40, steel helmet
- German Para advancing with MP40, steel helmet
- German Para crouching firing MP40, camo net steel helmet
- German Para running firing FG42, camo steel helmet
- German Para standing firing FG42, camo steel helmet
- German Para prone firing FG42, camo steel helmet
- German Para crouching with Gewehr 44, steel helmet
- German Para standing with Gewehr 44 in poncho steel helmet
- German Para advancing with MG42, camo net steel helmet
- German Para at ready with MP40, camo net steel helmet
- German Para prone firing MG42, steel helmet
- German Para no. 2 for MG42, prone, in poncho and steel helmet
- German Para NCO kneeling with MP40, side cap
- German Para kneeling for firing mounted MG42
- German Para with ammo-belt for fixed mounted MG42
- MG42 German MG on fixed Mounting
- German Para kneeling firing Panzerfaust, steel helmet
- German Para prone firing Panzerschreck in forage cap & poncho
- German Para prone, Panzerschreck no. 2 in forage cap & poncho
- German Para Mortar crewman no. 1 loading, in camo smock
- German Para Mortar crewman no. 2 in camo smock
- German Para Mortar NCO with MP40, steel helmet
- German Kz 8 cm GrW 42 Mortar
- German 8 cm GrW 34 Mortar
- German 12 cm GrW 42 Mortar
German Infantry catalogue
These miniatures come various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- German Senior officer in greatcoat & dress cap with “Wolchowstock”
- German Officer in leather coat & dress cap standing with MP40
- German Company runner (Melder) in camo smock steel helmet
- German Radioman in side cap with 5 W/SC radio (Funker)
- German Obersturmführer in cap, camo smock, with MP40
- German Officer kneeling in camo smock & dress cap with MP40
- German NCO leading advance in full pack with MP40 steel helmet
- German NCO standing with MP44 Gewehr in camo smock & field cap
- German Company runner (Melder) in camo smock and steel helmet
- German Radioman in side cap with 5 W/SC radio (Funker)
- German Schütze kneeling firing K98, steel helmet
- German Schütze advancing at ready with K98, steel helmet
- German soldier advancing with K98k rifle in panzer jacket, steel helmet
- German soldier kneeling firing K98k rifle in camo smock. steel helmet
- German soldier advancing in greatcoat with K98k rifle, balaclava under steel helmet
- German soldier standing firing K98k rifle, camo smock over greatcoat steel helmet
- German soldier advancing with K98k rifle in winter smock & field cap
- German NCO kneeling with rifle in side cap
- German soldier on guard with rifle in side cap
- German soldier advancing with rifle & bayonet in side cap
- German soldier advancing firing Russian PPS in side cap
- German Rottenführer/NCO advancing with MP40 steel helmet
- German Scharführer advancing firing MP40, bareheaded, in camo smock
- German Sturmmann advancing with MP40, steel helmet
- German Schütze firing MP40 in field cap & ’44 type blouse
- German Oberscharführer in side cap, camo smock, with MP40
- German soldier advancing firing MP40 in hooded winter parka, steel helmet
- German soldier firing MP40 from hip in winter smock, steel helmet
- German Schütze advancing firing StG44, steel helmet
- German Schütze standing firing StG44 in field cap & camo smock
German Guns catalogue
Check out our other recently released nationalities WWII Americans, WWII British, WWII Italians, WWII Japanese and WWII Soviets.
For the entire 20mm miniatures catalogue or individual categories. 20mm World War I, 20mm Soviet-Japanese Border War, 20mm World War II, 20mm Soviet-Japanese War, 20mm First Indochina War, 20mm Vietnam War, 20mm Bush Wars, 20mm Falklands War, 20mm Arab-Israeli Wars, 20mm Soviet-Afghan War, 20mm Bosnian War, 20mm Gulf War, 20mm War in Afghanistan, 20mm Modern, 20mm Post-Apocalyptic, 20mm Sci-Fi.
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