We are very pleased to announce that Platoon 20’s Falklands War ranges are now back in production. They include British and Argentinians. We have also added pictures to the product pages.
To view the entire 20mm Falklands War catalogue or the Platoon 20 catalogue.
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Falklands War Ranges
These Platoon 20’s Falklands War Argentinians miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- Argentinian soldier in winter hat and anorak advancing with SLR
- Argentinian soldier in SH and anorak with SLR
- Argentinian soldier surrendering, bareheaded with hands on head
- Argentinian Special Forces in wool hat, duvet jacket with Sterling/Patchett Mk5
- Argentinian Special Forces in wool hat, duvet jacket walking with SLR
- Argentinian Special Forces in beret and anorak standing firing SLR
- Argentinian Special Forces in beret and anorak at ready with SLR
British catalogue
These Platoon 20’s Falklands War British Infantry miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- British radioman in steel helmet with SMG
- British mortar crewman in beret
- British 3″ mortar
- British Officer, kneeling
- British gunner no 1 for GPMG
- British gunner no 2 for GPMG
- British GPMG on tripod
- British soldier in steel helmet advancing with SLR
- British soldier in steel helmet with SLR and law
- British heli-borne infantryman bareheaded, advancing with SLR
- British NCO in beret with SLR
- British soldier in steel helmet lying firing GPMG
- British soldier in steel helmet lying firing SLR
- British soldier in steel helmet firing Carl Gustav A/T weapon, slung SMG
- British soldier in steel helmet advancing with GPMG
- British mortar crewman in beret
- British L16 81mm mortar
- British Artillery/Wombat officer, kneeling
- British Artilleryman/Wombat crewman, kneeling
- British Artilleryman/Wombat crewman, kneeling with shell
- British Wombat 120mm recoilless rifle
- Royal Irish Ranger advancing with SLR
- Royal Irish Ranger at ready with SLR
- Royal Irish Ranger walking with GPMG
- Scottish soldier in Tam o’ Shanter with SLR at ready
Royal Marines
These Royal Marines miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- British Royal Marine advancing firing Sterling SMG
- British Royal Marine advancing with SLR
- British Royal Marine advancing with GPMG
- British Royal Marine standing firing SLR
- British Royal Marine kneeling firing SLR
- British Royal Marine firing Carl Gustav
- British Royal Marine standing firing Blowpipe
- British Royal Marine lying firing GPMG
- British Royal Marine lying firing SLR
- British Royal Marine Milan crewman lying down firing
- British Royal Marine Milan crewman lying down with binos
- British Milan
British Paratroops
These British Paratroopers miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- British Para advancing with GPMG in helmet
- British Para advancing with SLR in helmet
- British Para advancing firing Sterling SMG in helmet
- British Para standing firing SLR in helmet
- British Para kneeling firing SLR in helmet
British Special Forces
These British Special Forces miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- British SAS man standing firing Browning 9mm auto-pistol
- British SAS man standing firing Heckler-Koch G3 SMG
- British SBS masked advancing firing M16
- British SBS hooded firing Sterling-Patchett silenced SMG
For the entire 20mm miniatures catalogue or individual categories. 20mm World War I, 20mm Soviet-Japanese Border War, 20mm World War II, 20mm Soviet-Japanese War, 20mm First Indochina War, 20mm Vietnam War, 20mm Bush Wars, 20mm Falklands War, 20mm Arab-Israeli Wars, 20mm Soviet-Afghan War, 20mm Bosnian War, 20mm Gulf War, 20mm War in Afghanistan, 20mm Modern, 20mm Post-Apocalyptic, 20mm Sci-Fi.
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