Exciting News at East Front Miniatures. We’re very pleased to announce that East Front Miniatures has now acquired Platoon 20 range of miniatures from Tony at East Riding Miniatures due to Tony retiring.
We will be adding these ranges to our site, however they will not be available straight away as we have a number of things to sort out. We are probably looking at 4 to 6 weeks before they are available to buy.
East Front Miniatures would like to take this opportunity to wish Tony well in his retirement.
For the entire 20mm miniatures catalogue or individual categories. 20mm World War I, 20mm Soviet-Japanese Border War, 20mm World War II, 20mm Soviet-Japanese War, 20mm First Indochina War, 20mm Vietnam War, 20mm Bush Wars, 20mm Falklands War, 20mm Arab-Israeli Wars, 20mm Soviet-Afghan War, 20mm Bosnian War, 20mm Gulf War, 20mm War in Afghanistan, 20mm Modern, 20mm Post-Apocalyptic, 20mm Sci-Fi.
Which Platoon 20 ranges would you like to see expanded vote here.
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Exciting News at East Front Miniatures
WOW! The Platoon 20 line is just HUGE! I have some of the modern releases. I will be ordering more. This is fantastic. Platoon 20 will march on, thanks to East Front. Platoon 20 is in really good hands.
…and I had NO idea how many different catalog numbers are in that line! There are just tons and tons of sculpts, from the Falklands, to Vietnam to things like Egyptian frogmen, IDF tank crews, and a whole army of modern Iraqis. The modern la Legion Entrangere has me more than a little tempted… Platoon 20 has our needs COVERED!
Thank you for your kind comments they are very much appreciated.
Platoon 20 has a lot of hidden gems and I must say and I’m really looking forward to bring the range back into production.
it’s also a very daunting task for me, as I have never done anything like this before, But I’m certainly looking forward to getting stuck in.
Take care
<3 <3 <3
Looking forward to being able to get some of the French Indochina figures from you. The only 1/72 figures available specifically for that conflict, as far as I am aware.
All the best of luck with your venture. Tony ran a really nice business and I look forward to you taking up the baton.
Hiya Guy
We are actually picking up Platoon 20 this coming 27th Friday so it shouldn’t be too long before the ranges are back in production, we will start with WWI and work our way through the catalogue.
And thank you for your best wishes we appreciate it.
Take care