Platoon 20 has Arrived at East Front Miniatures, We have picked up Platoon 20 from Tony (East Riding Miniatures) Yesterday. Once we’ve gone through all the moulds and checked everything. We will slowly bring the ranges back production starting with 20mm World War I. Then working our way through the rest.
Platoon 20’s 20mm ranges
- 20mm Miniatures
- 20mm World War I
- 20mm Soviet-Japanese Border War
- 20mm World War II
- 20mm Soviet-Japanese War
- 20mm First Indochina War
- 20mm Vietnam War
- 20mm Bush Wars
- 20mm Falklands War
- 20mm Arab-Israeli Wars
- 20mm Soviet-Afghan War
- 20mm Bosnian War
- 20mm Gulf War
- 20mm War in Afghanistan
- 20mm Modern
- 20mm Post-Apocalyptic
- 20mm Sci-Fi
15mm ranges
- 15mm Miniatures
- 15mm Ancients
- 15mm Animals
- 15mm Colonial
- 15mm Dark Ages
- 15mm Fantasy
- 15mm Renaissance
- 15mm Ship Fittings
- 15mm World War II
And finally the 10mm ranges
This range of Romans arrived as sculpts we had them moulded by Pendraken
Please share with your gaming friends and fans of 20mm, thank you!
Here’s a few pictures of Platoon 20 in their new home.
Platoon 20 has Arrived at East Front Miniatures
Which Platoon 20 ranges would you like to see expanded vote here.
Other shop categories that may be of interest. 28mm Miniatures, Hobby Supplies, Javis Scenics, Scenery & Terrain, The Army Painter, The Plastic Soldier Company, Wargaming Rules & Wargaming Trade.
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I particularly like the shot of the Shipping & Receiving Executive Manager, personally checking in the load, while it’s still on the van. That’s zeal!
Gonna need more racks, Andy. I hope you kept that business card…
Most certainly we’ve already ordered some more.
Take care
Thank you
Take care