We are delighted to announce that Platoon 20’s Gulf War ranges are back in production. They include Americans, British, French and Iraqis. We have also added pictures to the product pages.
To view the entire 20mm Gulf War catalogue or the Platoon 20 catalogue.
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Gulf War Ranges
These Platoon 20’s Modern Americans miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- American squad leader advancing with M16
- American soldier standing with M16-M203 grenade launcher
- American soldier advancing with M16-M203 grenade launcher
- American soldier kneeling firing LAW with M16 slung
- American soldier standing firing M16 in full pack & LAW
- American soldier kneeling firing M16
- American soldier at ready advancing with M16
- American soldier walking with M16 at ready with full pack
- American soldier crouching with M16 & full pack
- American soldier standing with M60 MG box magazine
- American soldier in Kevlar, firing Stinger XFIM-92
- American soldier in Kevlar, firing Dragon M47
- American soldier in Kevlar, firing M249 LMG
- TOW crewman No. 1 in Kevlar helmet
- TOW crewman No. 2 in Kevlar helmet
- TOW launcher on ground mounting
- American squad leader advancing with M16, Bush hat
- American soldier standing with M16-M203 grenade launcher, Bush hat
- American soldier advancing with M16-M203 grenade launcher, Bush hat
- American soldier kneeling firing LAW with M16 slung, Bush hat
- American soldier standing firing M16 in full pack & LAW, Bush hat
- American soldier kneeling firing M16, Bush hat
- American soldier at ready advancing with M16, Bush hat
- American soldier walking with M16 at ready with full pack, Bush hat
- American soldier crouching with M16 & full pack, Bush hat
- American soldier standing with M60 MG box magazine, Bush hat
Modern British catalogue
These Platoon 20’s Modern British miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- British NCO section leader advancing with SA80
- British soldier radioman with SA80
- British soldier advancing with LSW (light support weapon)
- British soldier at ready with SA80 & LAW slung
- British soldier firing 84mm Carl Gustav, SA80 slung
- British soldier firing M79 grenade launcher, SA80 slung
- British soldier firing SA80 from hip
- British soldier advancing with SA80
- British soldier kneeling firing SA80
- British soldier standing firing SA80
- British soldier mortar crewman no 1 sighting
- British soldier mortar crewman no 2 with mortar bomb
- British soldier mortar crewman pointing & holding binos
- British L16 81mm mortar
- British soldier gunner No. 1 for GPMG
- British soldier gunner No .2 for GPMG
- British soldier crewman sighting
- British GPMG on tripod
Modern French catalogue
These Platoon 20’s Modern French Foreign Legion miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- FFL advancing with Famas rifle
- FFL running with Famas rifle
- FFL at the ready with Famas rifle
- FFL standing firing FR-FL sniper rifle
- FFL kneeling firing Famas rifle
- FFL lying firing Famas rifle
- FFL advancing with 7.5mm AA-52 LMG
- FFL firing LRAC (anti-tank weapon)
- FFL No. 2 for LRAC
Modern Iraqi catalogue
These Platoon 20’s Modern Iraqi miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- Iraqi infantryman officer advancing with pistol and steel helmet
- Iraqi soldier radioman with AK47 and steel helmet
- Iraqi soldier advancing with AK47 and steel helmet
- Iraqi soldier kneeling with AK47 at ready with steel helmet
- Iraqi soldier firing AK47 from hip with steel helmet
- Iraqi soldier kneeling firing AK47 with steel helmet
- Iraqi soldier lying firing AK47 with steel helmet
- Iraqi soldier kneeling firing RPG with steel helmet
- Iraqi soldier lying firing RPG with steel helmet
- Iraqi soldier standing firing SAM with steel helmet
- Iraqi soldier advancing with RPD LMG and steel helmet
Please see our other recently released modern nationalities Afghans, Africans, Bosnians, Civilians, Egyptians, Germans, Israel, Mercenaries and Russians.
For the entire 20mm miniatures catalogue or individual categories. 20mm World War I, 20mm Soviet-Japanese Border War, 20mm World War II, 20mm Soviet-Japanese War, 20mm First Indochina War, 20mm Vietnam War, 20mm Bush Wars, 20mm Falklands War, 20mm Arab-Israeli Wars, 20mm Soviet-Afghan War, 20mm Bosnian War, 20mm Gulf War, 20mm War in Afghanistan, 20mm Modern, 20mm Post-Apocalyptic, 20mm Sci-Fi.
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