We are delighted to announce that Platoon 20’s Arab-Israeli Wars ranges are now back in production. They include Egyptians/Syrians and Israel Defense Forces (IDF). We have also added pictures to the product pages.
To view the entire 20mm Arab-Israeli Wars catalogue or the Platoon 20 catalogue.
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Arab-Israeli Wars Ranges
Egyptians/Syrians catalogue
These Platoon 20’s Modern Egyptians/Syrians miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- Egyptian/Syrian officer with Port Said SMG in steel helmet
- Egyptian/Syrian NCO/Infantryman advancing with AK47 in woollen commando cap
- Egyptian/Syrian radioman with Russian radio equipment
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier standing firing AK47 in steel helmet
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier kneeling firing AK47 in forage cap
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier advancing with AK47 in steel helmet
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier advancing with AKMS in steel helmet
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier lying firing RPD LMG in steel helmet
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier lying with AK47 in orage cap
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier advancing firing RPD LMG in steel helmet
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier advancing with AKMS in steel helmet
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier crewman sitting, for firing 12.7mm heavy MG in steel helmet
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier heavy weapons crewman, standing, slung AKMS in forage cap, hands on ears
- Soviet 12.7mm DSHK Wheeled HMG
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier lying firing Sagger, in steel helmet (Sagger supplied)
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier standing firing RPG7 in steel helmet (x 2)
- Egyptian/Syrian soldier firing SAM7 (Strella/Grail) in forage cap
- Egyptian/Syrian Frogman with AK47
Israeli catalogue
P-IDF1 20mm IDF Infantry Command£3.50
P-IDF2 20mm IDF Infantry£3.50
P-IDF3 20mm IDF Infantry£3.50
These Platoon 20’s Israel Defense Forces miniatures come in various poses and are equipped with the following weapons.
- IDF officer with Uzi in field cap
- IDF radio operator in traditional skull cap with M16
- IDF soldier advancing firing Galil SAR in steel helmet
- IDF soldier advancing with SLR in steel helmet
- IDF soldier firing Uzi, in field cap (as at Entebbe)
- IDF soldier kneeling firing SLR with grenade in steel helmet
- IDF woman soldier with Uzi in field cap
- IDF soldier advancing with FN FAL heavy barrel rifle, in cowboy hat
- IDF reservist standing firing SLR in beenie sun hat
- IDF reservist, bareheaded, with Uzi
- IDF soldier lying firing GPMG in steel helmet
- IDF soldier lying with SLR in steel helmet
- IDF soldier heavy weapons crewman kneeling in steel helmet, Galil slung
- IDF soldier standing GPMG in steel helmet
- IDF soldier kneeling firing IMI 52mm Mortar, slung arm in steel helmet
- IDF soldier lying firing M20 bazooka in steel helmet
- IDF tank commander, half figure to fit Airfix Centurion tank
- IDF tank crewman, standing firing Uzi
- IDF paratrooper Frogman with Uzi
Please see our other recently released modern nationalities Afghans, Africans, Americans, Bosnians, British, Civilians, French, Germans, Iraqis, Mercenaries and Russians.
For the entire 20mm miniatures catalogue or individual categories. 20mm World War I, 20mm Soviet-Japanese Border War, 20mm World War II, 20mm Soviet-Japanese War, 20mm First Indochina War, 20mm Vietnam War, 20mm Bush Wars, 20mm Falklands War, 20mm Arab-Israeli Wars, 20mm Soviet-Afghan War, 20mm Bosnian War, 20mm Gulf War, 20mm War in Afghanistan, 20mm Modern, 20mm Post-Apocalyptic, 20mm Sci-Fi.
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