We are pleased to report our Saunders mould press is all fixed and modernised. In the end we ended up using different digital controllers and Type K Welded Tip Fast Response Thermocouple Sensor. Which can be bought from Thermosense Limited
Here’s an old advert for the Saunders Mould Press

Moulding Press Electrically Heated Platens
Stated to be suitable for all moudling processes requiring a combination of pressure and heat within its range the Type 2A hydraulically operated press illustrated is obtainable From N. Saunders Metal Products Limited. of London
It Is stated that it be suitable for handling metal, rubber, plastics and bonded laminates. Maximum pressure is normally 20 tuns up to 35 tons can be provided.
Pressure It provided by a special Tangye hydraulic jack, built into the steel framework of the press. The 4 inch diameter pressure gauge is graduated in lb, tuns, and kg. Standard daylight between the electrically heated platens ls 5 inch, but this dimension can be varied to meet particular requirements. Each platen is in box casting. 12 inch by 12 inch by 2 inch deep Webs. In addition to imparting strength assist in distributing the heat generated by the two 375 Watt elements which are arranged laterally in each platen. Maximum current demand ls 1-5 kw standard voltage 200/240 ac. Automatic, infinitely variable, bi-metal thermostats are fitted in both platens.
Asbestos insulators provided between
the platens and the press, are stated to
restrict the heat to the platens. Electrical connection is made by a heavy duty
Reyrolle plug and socket, of two-pin
scraping earth type, with a cable 10 ft in
Unfortunately our mould press went down over a month ago which has severely hampered us redoing the moulds for our unreleased ranges.
However we have now got a couple of digital temperature controls we are just looking for suitable thermostat. Fingers crossed we should have it up and running in the new year.

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