We are very pleased to announce that our 15mm Fantasy ranges are now back in Production. We have also added pictures to the Fantasy product pages.
To view the entire 15mm Fantasy catalogue or the full 15mm Miniatures catalogue.
Do share with your gaming friends and fans of 15mm, thank you!
15mm Fantasy Ranges
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Chaotic Knights
- Crawlers
- Creepers
Designed by Paul Jones.
Dark Elves
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Huge Dark Elf Hero (mounted on raptor and on foot)
The entire Dwarves catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Dwarven Archers shooting
- Dwarven Arquebusiers loading
- Dwarven Arquebusiers shooting
- Dwarven Command, including axes and warhammers
- Dwarven Command, including spears
- Dwarven Crossbowmen
- Dwarven King, Cleric and Heroes
- Dwarven Militia with axes and warhammers
- Dwarven Militia with spears and shields
- Dwarven Militia with swords and clubs
- Dwarves Archers, loading
- Dwarves with Axes and Warhammers
- Dwarves with Spears
The entire Frog Folk catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones concept by Stefan Wolf.
- Frog folk with Ambushers
- Frog folk with Archers
- Frog folk Command
- Frog folk Giant Newt Riders with mixed weapons
- Frog folk with Blowpipes
- Frog folk with Spears
- Frog folk with Swords
- Giant Newts
The entire High Elves catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones.
- High elf archers
- High elf cavalry lancers
- High elf cavalry lancers/standard bearers
- High elf cavalry with swords
- High elf spearmen
- High elves with polearms
- High elves with swords
The entire Lionmen catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Lionmen archers riding bears
- Lionmen command
- Lionmen foot archers
- Lionmen with handweapons
- Lionmen with spears
The entire Lizardmen catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Armoured Lizardmen with polearms
- Giant lizard with chopper
- Lizardmen with spears
- Raptors
The entire Monsters catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Beastmen
- Blemmyes (chest-eye) with spears
- Cave trolls
- Cave trolls or ogres wielding a massive club
- Dire wolves
- Scorpionmen
- Wild Boars
The entire Orcs catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Armoured orcs mixed weapons
- Orc archers
- Orc Command on foot
- Orc skirmishers javelin knife
- Orc wolf riders
- Unarmoured orcs mixed weapons
Ratmen catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Ograts
- Ratmen with spears
The entire Rhinomen catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Rhinomen berserkers
- Rhinomen command
- Rhinomen halberdiers
- Rhinomen with crossbows and blowpipes
- Rhinomen with swords
The entire Undead catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Mounted wraiths
- Skeleton archers
- Skeletons with spears
- Skeletons with swords
- Vampire Knights
- Werewolves
- Wraith or Spirit on foot
- Zombies with cleavers
- Zombies with spears
The entire Wood Elves catalogue
Designed by Paul Jones.
- Wood elf archers
- Wood elf archers hood
- Wood elf cavalry with light lance
- Wood elf horse archers
- Wood elf spearmen
For the entire 15mm miniatures catalogue or individual categories. Ancients, Animals, Colonial, Dark Ages, Fantasy, Renaissance, Ship Fittings, World War II.
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