Due to popular demand we have decided to create a listing for customers to purchase multiples of any 20mm single figures. Please note that custom orders are priced higher than regular orders.
How To Order
First off open your email program of choice and put our email address in sales@east-front-miniatures.com.
Secondly fill the subject line with Single Figures.
Hiya Andy Just to let you know I’ve placed an order for 3 figures from the following ranges.
Category: World War II, WWII Germans, Fallschirmjäger. See the picture below.

Go to the product page of the product you want a single figure from and copy the SKU number. Then paste this in your email program of choice. See the picture below the SKU number is highlighted in red.

Next go to the product description and copy the description of the figure you would like. Then paste this in your email program of choice. See the picture below the figure description is highlighted in red.

This is how the final email should look. See the picture below.

You dont have to order 3 figures maybe you only want one. Or on the other hand you may want 11 of a particular figure. In which case you would put 4 figures in your basket twice. And 3 figures for the last. I hope all that makes sense.

20mm Single Figures
20mm Single Figures you can buy 1 Figure, 2 Figures, 3 Figures and 4 Figures. Please send an email stating which Category: product codes SKU: and figure description you would like.
For a full guide how to order see here
Please note that custom orders are priced higher than regular orders.
Which Platoon 20 ranges would you like to see expanded vote here.
Other shop categories that may be of interest. 10mm Miniatures, 15mm Miniatures, 20mm Miniatures, 28mm Miniatures, Hobby Supplies, Javis Scenics, Scenery & Terrain, The Army Painter, The Plastic Soldier Company, Wargaming Rules & Wargaming Trade.
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