We are delighted to announce the availability of the Newly Released Cold War Commander 2 written by Mark Fry and produced by Pendraken Miniatures.
Cold War Commander 2 is an exciting set of fast play wargame rules that allows you to recreate combined arms operations covering the Cold War and post-Cold War era.
Pendraken Miniatures
The Newly Released Cold War 2 rules are suitable for solo, two-player and multi-player games, at home, at the club, or at a tournament.
Cold War Commander covers the period from the end of the Second World War through until the early 1990’s.
There’s a dedicated forum and Facebook group for Cold War Commander Rules.
To view the entire Wargaming Rules catalogue or the full Cold War Commander Rules and Supplements catalogue.
Other shop categories that may be of interest. 10mm Miniatures, 15mm Miniatures, 20mm Miniatures, 28mm Miniatures, Hobby Supplies, Javis Scenics, Scenery & Terrain, The Army Painter, The Plastic Soldier Company & Wargaming Trade.
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