Our extensive collection of Javis Scenics is perfect for wargamers looking to create incredible scenery, whether it’s for historical battles or fantastical realms. Javis Scenics provides a wide array of wargaming, model railway accessories, and scenic materials to suit any project. Whether you’re constructing wargames terrain, designing dioramas, or building model railways, Our extensive collection of Javis Scenics has a product for every enthusiast.
Our extensive collection of Javis Scenics includes:
Assorted Lichen catalogue
- Javis Autumn Mix Lichen JAMLS
- Javis Brown Lichen JBLS
- Javis Dark Green Lichen JDGLS
- Javis Gold Lichen JGLS
- Javis Light Green Lichen JLGLS
- Javis Multi Colour Lichen JMCLS
- Javis Summer Mix Lichen JSMLS
- Javis Bulk Pack Green Lichen JBULKG
- Javis Bulk Pack Mixed Colour Lichen JBULKMC
Cork Products catalogue
- Javis Cork Slivers JSLIV
- Javis Medium Cork Bark JMCB
- Javis Extra Fine Cork Chippings JXCC
- Javis Cork Boulders JBOULD
- Javis Fine Cork Chippings JFCC
- Javis 1/8 X 12 X 36 Cork Sheet Small JCS18S
- Javis 1/8 X 24 X 36 Cork Sheet Large JCS18L
- Javis 1/32 X 24 X 36 Cork Sheet Large JCS132L
- Javis 1/16 X 24 X 36 Cork Sheet Large JCS116L
Countryside Grass Mats catalogue
- Javis Hairy Spring Mix Static Grass 1200mm x 600mm MAT1
- Javis Hairy Summer Mix Static Grass 1200mm x 600mm MAT2
- Javis Hairy Autumn Mix Static Grass 1200mm x 600mm MAT3
Countryside Trees catalogue
- Javis CST101 Spring Orchard Tree N Scale
- Javis CST102 Chestnut Tree N Scale
- Javis CST103 Oak Tree N Scale
- Javis CST104 Large Oak Tree OO Scale
- Javis CST105 Large Spruce Tree OO Scale
- Javis CST106 Large Conifer Tree OO Scale
- Javis CST107 Large Poplar Tree OO Scale
- Javis CST109 Large Maple Tree OO Scale
- Javis CST110 Spring Blossom Tree OO Scale
- Javis CST111 Summer Orchard Tree OO Scale
- Javis CST112 Spring Pine Tree OO Scale
- Javis CST113 Autumn Pine Tree OO Scale
- Javis CST114 Large Pine Tree OO Scale
Course Grass catalogue
- Javis Scatter No.1 Light Green Coarse Grass JCG1
- Javis Scatter No.2 Mid Green Coarse Grass JCG2
- Javis Scatter No.3 Dark Green Coarse Grass JCG3
Fine Turf catalogue
- Javis Scatter No.1 Light Green Fine Turf JFT1
- Javis Scatter No.2 Mid Green Fine Turf JFT2
- Javis Scatter No.3 Dark Green Fine Turf JFT3
Flexible Hedging catalogue
- Javis 00 Flexible Hedging 4ft JHEDGEOOS
- Javis 00 Large Flexible Hedging 4ft JHEDGELARGE
- Javis N Flexible Hedging 4ft JHEDGENS
- Javis 00 Extra Large Hedging JHEDGEEXTRA
Flexible Walling catalogue
- Javis 00 Flexible Walling 4ft JSTONEOOS
- Javis 00 Large Flexible Walling 4ft JSTONELARGE
- Javis N Flexible Walling 4ft JSTONENS
Granite Chippings catalogue
- Javis ST Extra Fine Ballast Chips JXGST
- Javis 1.1/2lb Extra Fine Granite Ballast JFG112
- Javis Extra Fine Ballast Underlay 300mm x 1200mm JXGU
- Javis Extra Fine Tarmac Ballast Underlay 1200mm x 150mm MAT6/85a
Hedge Foliage catalogue
- Javis No.1 Hedge Foliage Light Green JHF1
- Javis No.2 Hedge Foliage Mid Green JHF2
- Javis No.3 Hedge Foliage Dark Green JHF3
Landscape Mats catalogue
- Javis 9 Large Black Tarmac Landscape Mat JMAT9
- Javis 10 Large Light Meadow Green Landscape Mat JMAT10L
- Javis 10 Small Light Meadow Green Landscape Mat JMAT10S
- Javis 11 Large Dark Meadow Green Landscape Mat JMAT11L
- Javis 11 Small Dark Meadow Green Landscape Mat JMAT11S
- Javis 12 Large Dark Green Landscape Mat JMAT12L
- Javis 12 Small Dark Green Landscape Mat JMAT12S
- Javis 14 Large Light Green Landscape Mat JMAT14L
- Javis 15 Large Mid Green Landscape Mat JMAT15L
- Javis 15 Small Mid Green Landscape Mat JMAT15S
- Javis 17 Large Heath Green Landscape Mat JMAT17L
- Javis 17 Small Heath Green Landscape Mat JMAT17S
- Javis 21 Large Pasture Green Landscape Mat JMAT21L
- Javis 21 Small Pasture Green Landscape Mat JMAT21S
- Javis 32 Large Dark Brown Landscape Mat JMAT32L
Leaves catalogue
- Javis Fine Spring Leaves JFL1
- Javis Fine Summer Leaves JFL2
- Javis Fine Autumn Leaves JFL3
Premier Range catalogue
- Javis Scatter No.1 Light Green Coarse Grass JCG1
- Javis Scatter No.1 Light Green Fine Turf JFT1
- Javis Scatter No.2 Mid Green Coarse Grass JCG2
- Javis Scatter No.2 Mid Green Fine Turf JFT2
- Javis Scatter No.3 Dark Green Coarse Grass JCG3
- Javis Scatter No.3 Dark Green Fine Turf JFT3
Scenery Maker catalogue
- Javis Scenery Maker JSCENEGREEN
- Javis Scenery Maker Bulk JSCENEGREENG
- Javis JHILL1 Spring Mix Rough Terrain Scenery Covering
- Javis JHILL2 Summer Mix Rough Terrain Scenery Covering
- Javis JHILL3 Autumn Mix Rough Terrain Scenery Covering
- Javis JWATER Simulated Water Effect – 250ml
Scenic Scatters catalogue
- Javis Scatter No.8 Grey Stone JS8
- Javis Scatter No.9 Black Tarmac JS9
- Javis Scatter No.10 Light Meadow Green JS10
- Javis Scatter No.11 Dark Meadow Green JS11
- Javis Scatter No.12 Dark Green JS12
- Javis Scatter No.14 Light Green JS14
- Javis Scatter No.15 Mid Green JS15
- Javis Scatter No.16 Grey Tarmac JS16
- Javis Scatter No.17 Heath Green JS17
- Javis Scatter No.18 Heather Mixture JS18
- Javis Scatter No.19 Rough Pasture JS19
- Javis Scatter No.20 Moorland Mixture JS20
- Javis Scatter No.21 Pasture Green JS21
- Javis Scatter No.25 Coal JS25
- Javis Scatter No.30 Sand JS30
- Javis Scatter No.31 Dark Earth JS31
- Javis Scatter No.32 Dark Brown JS32
- Javis Scatter No.33 Sandstone JS33
- Javis Scatter No.70 Summer Mixture JS70
- Javis Scatter No.71 Spring Mixture JS71
- Javis Scatter No.75 Desert Sand and Stone Mix JS75
- Javis Scatter No.85 Extra Fine Tarmac Ballast JS85
Static Grass catalogue
- Javis Hairy Grass No.1 Spring Mix – 2mm JHG1
- Javis Hairy Grass No.2 Summer Mix – 2mm JHG2
- Javis Hairy Grass No.3 Autumn Mix – 2mm JHG3
- Javis Hairy Grass No.4 Forest Mix – 6mm JHG4
- Javis Hairy Grass No.5 Spring Mix – 6mm JHG5
- Javis Hairy Grass No.6 Summer Mix – 6mm JHG6
- Javis Hairy Grass No.7 Autumn Mix – 6mm JHG7
- Javis Hairy Grass No.8 Green – 6mm JHG8
- Javis Hairy Grass No.9 Winter Grass – 10mm JHG9
- Javis Hairy Grass No.10 Summer Green – 10mm JHG10
Static Grass Tufts catalogue
- Javis JSTRIP4 Forest Mix Static Grass Strips – 6mm
- Javis JTUFT4 Forest Mix Static Grass Tufts – 6mm
- Javis JSTRIP5 Spring Mix Static Grass Strips – 6mm
- Javis JSTRIP5 Spring Mix Static Grass Strips – 6mm
- Javis JSTRIP6 Summer Mix Static Grass Strips – 6mm
- Javis JTUFT6 Summer Mix Static Grass Tufts – 6mm
- Javis JSTRIP7 Autumn Mix Static Grass Strips – 6mm
- Javis JTUFT7 Autumn Mix Static Grass Tufts – 6mm
- Javis JSTRIP8 Green Static Grass Strips – 6mm
- Javis JTUFT8 Green Static Grass Tufts – 6mm
- Javis JSTRIP9 Winter Grass Static Grass Strips – 10mm
- Javis JSTRIP10 Summer Green Static Grass Strips -10mm
- Javis JTUFT10 Summer Green Static Grass Tufts – 10mm
- Javis JSTRIP11 Flower Mix Static Grass Strips – 10mm
- Javis JTUFT11 Flower Mix Static Grass Tufts – 10mm
Tree Foliage catalogue
- Javis No.1 Tree Foliage Light Green JTREE1
- Javis No.2 Tree Foliage Mid Green JTREE2
- Javis No.3 Tree Foliage Dark Green JTREE3
Walling catalogue
- Javis 00 Flexible Walling 4ft JSTONEOOS
- Javis 00 Large Flexible Walling 4ft JSTONELARGE
- Javis N Flexible Walling 4ft JSTONENS
Wargaming Battle Zones catalogue
- Javis Field Zone Battle Mat 1200mm x 600mm BZ1M
- Javis Urban Zone Battle Mat 1200mm x 600mm BZ2M
- Javis Desert Zone Battle Mat 1200mm x 600mm BZ3M
- Javis BZDESERT Battlezone Loose Scatter Desert
- Javis BZFIELD Battlezone Loose Scatter Field
- Javis BZURBAN Battlezone Loose Scatter Urban
- Javis Muddy Sandy Ditch JDITCH
- Javis Shallow Stream JSTREAM
Our extensive collection of Javis Scenics our meticulously designed to add authenticity and visual appeal to your miniature worlds. From the texture of the coarse grass to the realism of the flexible walling, Javis Scenics materials make your terrains come to life.
Other shop categories that may be of interest. 10mm Miniatures, 15mm Miniatures, 20mm Miniatures, 28mm Miniatures, Hobby Supplies, Javis Scenics, Scenery & Terrain, The Army Painter, The Plastic Soldier Company & Wargaming Trade.
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