Javis BZFIELD Battlezone Loose Scatter Field is ideal for basing wargaming figures or vehicles. Simply add PVA glue to the base and sprinkle the scatter over the top and allow to dry.
This product is the same scatter that is used on the Javis Field Zone Battle Mat 1200mm x 600mm BZ1M.
Also suitable for model railways and dioramas.
- BZFIELD Javis Battlezone Loose Scatter Field (x 1)
For the entire Javis Scenics catalogue or the Javis Wargaming Battle Zones catalogue.
Javis Scenics produces a broad variety of modelling supplies, including plastic card and scenic supplies like static grass, grass tufts, and scatter materials. Ideal for creating dioramas, model railroads, and battlefields for wargames.
- Not suitable for children under 14 years.
- For use under adult supervision.
paulstreeter1964 –
This is absolutely brilliant basing material every wargamer should have it in their cupboard