Cold War Commander 2, Paperback

(1 customer review)


Product Details:
  • Publisher: Pendraken Miniatures
  • By: Mark Fry
  • ISBN-13: 9781804511428
  • Model Number: CWC-2
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Period: Modern
  • Condition: New

8 in stock


Cold War Commander 2 is an exciting set of fast play wargame rules that allows you to recreate combined arms operations covering the Cold War and post-Cold War era.

Players each take command of a Battlegroup, which can be anything from a company right up to a division. These rules provide a good balance between play ability and historical accuracy, allowing players to successfully use real-world tactics in a game system that is easy to use and fast to play. The rules are suitable for solo, two-player and multi-player games, at home, at the club, or at a tournament.

Cold War Commander covers the period from the end of the Second World War through until the early 1990’s.

  • Suitable for any scale miniatures, from 2mm right up to 28mm
  • Simple command system that emphasises the fog of war
  • Effective mechanism for casualty resolution
  • Rules for infantry, tanks, artillery, recce, aircraft and engineers
  • Flexible figure ratio meaning one base represents a platoon
  • Minimal setup time, simply assemble your forces and play
  • Contains 3 army lists in the book and extensive lists online
  • Includes 15 scenarios suitable for any nation and theatre
  • Suitable for solo, two player or multi-player games
  • Everything you need to play in one book

There’s a dedicated forum and Facebook group for Cold War Commander Rules.

To view the entire Wargaming Rules catalogue or the full Cold War Commander Rules and Supplements catalogue.


Additional information

Weight 0.475 kg

1 review for Cold War Commander 2, Paperback

  1. TheWazyrian

    I’ve been a fan of The Commander Series since I first stumbled across Blitzkrieg Commander II.
    I just counted the army lists they released THUS FAR. There are FORTY-FIVE army lists at the forum link in the description for this product (see Description tab, above). If you follow that link, and then click on the forum thread about “CWC-2 Army Lists”, you will find those 45 lists on that first page. 🙂
    Still need convincing?
    The rules cover a 1:1 unit scale, where one vehicle model represents one vehicle, and one stand of infantry equals one squad. However, the rules also cover one model or stand being equal to a platoon. This allows battalion actions and larger, easily. I have played these rules at both scales, and I use either, as needed.
    CWCII has become my favorite of The Commander Series. This, right here, is my all-time favorite set of rules.
    I can recreate real-world tactics with these rules… without the RULES getting in the way! THAT is why I love these rules.
    My sincere thanks to East Front, once again. 🙂

    • East Front Miniatures

      Thank you very much indeed, it’s always appreciated when we receive a positive review.

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