Army Painter Warpaints WP8023 Quickshade Washes Set


Product Details:

  • Brand: The Army Painter
  • Barcode: 5713799802308
  • Model Number: WP8023
  • Type: Washes
  • Series: Warpaints

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Army Painter Warpaints WP8023 Quickshade Washes Set provides a set of all 11 washes in the Army Painter Warpaints Quickshade Washes range.

The Quickshade washes share the same type of extra heavy pigment found in the rest of the Warpaints range which makes them effective at adding shading and colourful effects to a miniature. With 11 washes available in spill-proof 18ml dropper bottles, you can easily control the amount of wash you use. For top-notch quality and coverage, Warpaints are the ultimate choice in the hobby industry!

For the entire The Army Painter catalogue.

Army Painter Warpaints WP8023 Quickshade Washes Set

Additional information

Weight 0.028 kg


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