We are very pleased to announce that our 15mm Renaissance ranges are now back in Production. We have also added pictures to the Renaissance product pages.
To view the entire 15mm Renaissance catalogue or the full 15mm Miniatures catalogue.
The Renaissance is a historical period in European history covering the 15th and 16th centuries
15mm Renaissance Ranges
The entire Eastern Europe catalogue
The Eastern Europe range was designed by Paul Jones.
- Archers
- Armoured Boyar with lance
- Armoured Voynuks with polearms
- Assorted shields
- Boyar/Knight with warhammer
- Crossbowmen
- Handgunners
- Hungarian Knight with lance
- Lesser Boyar/Viteji with bow
- Lesser Boyar/Viteji with lance
- Mounted General (“Vlad”) and 3 Boyars
- Peasants/Rustici with mixed weapons
- Unarmoured Boyar with lance
The entire Western Europe catalogue
The Western Europe range was designed by Paul Jones.
- Albanian light cavalry
- Arquebusier firing
- Arquebusier/Musketeer without rest
- Border Lancers wearing bonnets
- Border Lancers wearing helmets
- Civilians: men women and children
- Dog handlers beagles and hounds
- English arquebusiers
- English billmen
- English crossbowmen
- English foot with spear/half-pike
- English longbowmen
- English swordsmen
- English/Scottish foot command
- English/Scottish Pistoleers
- Foot command
- German/Dutch pikeman advancing
- Irish warrior with sword and shield
- Lancer in tabard
- Mounted arquebusier
- Mounted Command
- Mounted Generals & Trumpeters
- Mounted Longbowmen
- Musketeer with rest
- Pikeman standing
- Scottish arquebusiers
- Scottish bowmen
- Scottish crossbowmen
- Scottish foot with spear/half-pike
- Scottish glaivemen and halberdiers
- Scottish pikemen
- Scottish swordsmen
- Spanish Herreruelo/Pistoleer
- Spanish pikeman advancing
- Spanish/Dutch pikeman advancing
- The Heidman & his men mounted
- The March Warden & his men mounted
For the entire 15mm miniatures catalogue or individual categories. Ancients, Animals, Colonial, Dark Ages, Fantasy, Renaissance, Ship Fittings, World War II.
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